근보양앤파트너스(상호변경, 현 (주)도시건축 숨 건축사사무소)는 불가리아 Varna Library Competition에서 Shortlist에 올랐으나, 최종 10위로 평가되어, 당선되지는 못하였다. 공모전 참여 구성원: Keunbo Yang, Seung Won Song, Sung Joon Chae, Wonwoo Park
Keunbo Yang's works are introduced in Abstract 2009-2010. An annual publication of the work and activities of the Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation (GSAPP) at Columbia University.
hyunil oh and keunbo yang of new york city have one the TOGS (temporary outdoor gallery space) competition organized in collaboration with art alliance austin and the austin foundation for architecture.