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Varna Library Competition in Bulgaria, Finalist

근보양앤파트너스는 불가리아 Varna Library Competition에서 Shortlist에 올랐으나, 최종 10위로 평가되어, 당선되지는 못하였다.

*Team members: Keunbo Yang, Seung Won Song, Sung Joon Chae, Wonwoo Park


<아래는 공모 결과 발표문 중 일부>

On the basis of Article 101 al.b of the Law on Public Procurement and Article 53 of the Regulations for conducting of competitions in planning and investment design and took into account the results reflected in handed me a letter with ref. N9 OP15005150IP / 02.12.2015 final protocol from the work of the jury, appointed by my Decision N94824 / 25.11.2015. for consideration, evaluation and ranking of the competition projects for participation in an open competition for project of a site "New building of the Regional Library " Pencho Slaveykov ° , Varna ", opened with my Decision N ° 3692 / 07.09.2015 and published announcement in the ROP on 07.09.2015. 


I. Classification of competitive projects of the participants in an open competition for the design of the project "New building of Regional Library " Pencho Slaveykov ° , city of Varna, as follows: 

The first - Architecture for urbanity

The second - IO Architects Ltd.

The third - Spatial Practice

The fourth - Steward Hollenstein

The fifth - XTEN Architecture

The sixth - Joannis Karras

Seven - Contrast Ltd.

The eighth - RATVM

The eighth - BV Studio Ltd.

The ninth - AMZ Architetti Associati             

The tenth - Keunbo Yang and Partners

The eleventh - Space 4 Architecture

The twelfth - Aleeua Khan

The thirteenth - Studio Rebus

Fourteenth - FTA

The fifteenth - Melike Altinisik Architects

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